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placeholder Elrax phone mockup Elrax phone mockup
Elrax cat

Elrax is a video crowdfunding

Create, discover and support wide variety of projects with Elrax! Be a part of something bigger and important for you, society, or nature.

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Core features

Video crowdfunding


Video crowdfunding

Video content is the core of our platform. Users can quickly find interesting projects and have fun at the same time. We make crowdfunding easy and enjoyable for everyone!

User profile


User profile

We value backers just as much as project creators. That's why every user of our platform has a public profile, with statistics, donation history and a gallery of earned rewards.




Together, we can transform the world for the better! We believe that ultimate crowdfunding platform should be open-source in order to be fully consistent with its core altruistic nature.

Development series


Development series

Creators can publish videos of project development long before the start of crowdfunding campaign, thereby showing potential backers that the project is trustworthy.

User participation


User participation

Not only project creators, but all users can publish videos on the platform to express their opinion, give useful advice, or participate in competitions and events.




Users can influence projects by participating in key decisions while contributing funds. This helps project creators to be on the same page with their backers.

How it works

On the main screen you can scroll through crowdfunding campaigns, development series and user participation videos.


Elrax needs you

Our platform is in early stage of development. If you like our ideas - here's how you can help us raise this adorable cat:

Visit our website

Subscribe to our social media

Repost or write about us

Contribute to our github

Donate for development

Our team

team member avatar


Co-founder CEO

Responsible for operational planning, task management, and product design.

team member avatar


Co-founder CTO

Responsible for all codebase, tech stack, and sometimes takes part in product design.

team member avatar


Concept Artist

Responsible for all the art of our project, creation of comics, and art animation.

team member avatar


UI Designer

Responsible for designs of mobile app, websites, and graphic elements.

team member avatar



Responsible for marketing, social media content and the story of our comics.

team member avatar


Web Developer

Responsible for website front-end, mobile views development and support.

Featured news

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Common questions

What is Elrax?

Elrax is an open-source video platform for crowdfunding, progress tracking, and feedback collection. Our mission is to make crowdfunding easy and enjoyable for everyone.

Where can I download Elrax?

At the moment, Elrax platform is still under development, so unfortunately it cannot be downloaded yet. But in the future it will be available in the Play Market and App Store, so follow our social media so you will not miss the launch of the first version of the platform!

Why another crowdfunding platform?

Crowdfunding as a concept has already become an integral part of the modern Internet. Many innovative and creative projects have become a reality, many people have been able to receive financial support in difficult times, and all this is due to the common efforts of hundreds of thousands of people. This is truly beautiful and inspiring.

We also believe that this is not the limit, and crowdfunding space today still have room for innovation and improvement. Therefore, we would like to list some of the vectors in which we see possible improvements:

  • Modernity: Crowdfunding platforms only partially use the video and mobile trends that dominate popular social networks, remaining more text-based and web-oriented. And this makes it difficult to attract more backers;
  • Transparency: Often backers do not understand how to monitor the progress of project development and the use of raised funds;
  • Communication: On many crowdfunding platforms, direct communication between backers and project creators is limited, making it difficult to ask questions or provide feedback;
  • Innovation: New features and bold solutions are rare in crowdfunding platforms today. Which in turn prevents the crowdfunding concept from reaching its global potential.

Why is Elrax open-source platform?

Elrax is committed to being an open-source platform for several key reasons:

  • Transparency: By being open-source, Elrax ensures complete transparency. Users can see exactly how the platform operates, which builds trust. This is particularly important for a crowdfunding platform, where the flow of funds must be transparent to maintain user confidence.
  • Community-driven Development: Crowdfunding is all about community support and engagement. Similarly, Elrax benefits from the collective expertise of the developer community. By allowing developers to contribute to the codebase, we can incorporate a diverse range of ideas and improvements, ensuring that Elrax evolves to meet the needs of its users.
  • Security and Reliability: Open-source software can be more secure and reliable due to the many eyes principle. With more people reviewing and improving the code, vulnerabilities can be identified and resolved quickly. This collective vigilance helps create a robust platform where users can contribute without worrying about the integrity of the system.

Where can I find out more about the cat?

We are very glad that you liked our cat, we tried to make him cute and funny. If you want to see more of him, just subscribe to our social media, from time to time we will post different content with him, like memes, comics, stickers and much more!

How can I contact the Elrax team?

The easiest way to contact with us is by social media, we try to always respond to public comments. But if you have private question or request - write us on our email: [email protected].